Our Favorite Tweets
By: Applegate
March 20, 2015
A few of our favorite tweets.
Retweet them if they strike you the same way!
Antibiotic absuse and misuse has serious consequences – bacteria adapts and becomes resistant: http://t.co/95vYkLUJCp
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) March 19, 2015
Top 10 reasons to go organic: http://t.co/zNEiKxUpIF Cc: @onlyorganic
— Annie's Homegrown (@annieshomegrown) March 19, 2015
1/3 of Americans believe there’s a legal limit on the number of different pesticides allowed on food. There's not. http://t.co/WUQALFmkB8
— Robyn O'Brien (@foodawakenings) March 19, 2015
Our bros are in danger! Will you help us save them? #SaveTheBros https://t.co/fuOjP3CtQN
— Organic Valley (@OrganicValley) March 5, 2015
.@ewg's #FoodScores can help you keep that 2015 resolution to eat healthier, cleaner, & greener. Check it out: http://t.co/soMnBRkZpe
— EWG (@ewg) January 22, 2015
Changing The Meat We Eat®: Natural & Organic - No antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial ingredients or chemical nitrites - Humanely Raised - Gluten Free