The Kitchen Date Night Game
By: Meredith Steele
February 28, 2013
I like to show love for my family by scheduling time for us to do something fun together — a date night! But, there are only so many board games you can play before family night becomes more of a chore than a party. After countless games of Chutes and Ladders and feeling like I was hitting my head against the wall, I came up with an always changing and entertaining game: The Kitchen Date Night Game.
The Objective:
Spending quality time with your family while introducing new recipes and foods in a fun and exciting way.
How to Play:
1. The day before the game is to be played, have each member of the family roll a die. Whoever has the largest number is the Head Chef. The Head Chef is responsible for picking a new recipe (from a cookbook, website, or magazine) the family has never had. Once the recipe is picked, the person responsible for groceries buys the ingredients needed. The Head Chef cannot be the same person two games in a row.
2. On the night the game is played, the Head Chef reads the recipe instructions to the family and assigns jobs to the remaining family members (aka “sous chefs”). The first time the game is played, the Head Chef will pick a family member to choose music to cook by. After the first game, the Head Chef of the prior week’s game will DJ.
3. Get cooking.
This is all in good fun. If the Head Chef chosen is too young, have a parent or older sibling help. And, by all means, just roll with what happens. If something burns or doesn’t come out exactly as planned, take it light heartedly and have fun!
Need a recipe for the game? Start with this one
Meredith Steele
Meredith Steele is the author of, a family food blog celebrating whole and natural foods. An ex-graphic designer specializing in print media, Meredith left the advertising world after her daughter was born prematurely to care for her. Wanting to give her family the best, she turned to her love of cooking and created a blog to share her whole food recipes derived from her passion for food and to have a laugh here and there. Meredith is not only a mom but also a professional recipe developer and food blogger all while wearing her sock monkey slippers.