Take Action: Be A Citizen
By: Melissa Graham
May 10, 2012
So what can you do to help stop the misuse of antibiotics and prevent the growth of superbugs?
- Be a responsible consumer: Purchase meat, poultry, milk and eggs from companies and farmers that don't routinely feed their animals antibiotics
- Cut down on your antibiotic use: Don't take antibiotics unless you actually have a bacterial infection. Antibiotics won't help a cold or virus and taking them for illnesses they can't treat helps contribute to antibiotic resistance.
- Make your voice heard: Join the Citizens Against Superbugs campaign and sign the Superbug Petition and tell the President of the United States to stop the misuse of antibiotics in food animal production.
- Support the FDA's proposed rule to limit the use of cephalosporins in food production -- and let them know they should do more by commenting on the page.
- Spread the word: Tell all your friends and family members why you oppose the misuse of antibiotics in food animals -- and why they should too!
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Melissa Graham
Melissa Graham, a former attorney, is the founding Executive Director of Purple Asparagus, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to educating families about all things associated with good eating, eating that's good for the body and the planet. Though its Delicious Nutritious Adventures program, Purple Asparagus has taught thousands of parents and children about healthful, sustainable eating in schools, community centers, and farmers' markets throughout Chicago and the suburbs. Melissa speaks and writes regularly on child nutrition and sustainability both in the Chicago community and online, blogging at Little Locavores, as The Sustainable Cook on The Local Beet, and as a regular contributor to Kiwi Magazine’s KiwiLog and Williams-Sonoma’s Blender blog. In recognition of her contributions to the Chicago community, the Chicago Tribune awarded her a 2011 Good Eating Award, an honor previously bestowed to Rick Bayless, Alinea chef Grant Achatz, and First Lady Michelle Obama. Melissa resides in Chicago with her husband and 7-year old son in a rowhouse built in 1896.