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Cheers to Changemaker Danielle Gould of Food+Tech Connect

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Four years ago, Danielle Gould worked for a company that designed hydroponic rooftop greenhouses. She kept tripping over a recurring stumbling block: “I couldn’t get access to the information I needed.” In her frustration, she found opportunity. “I wanted to create dialogue and share data about what was going on in the food world.” And so Food+Tech Connect was born.

Danielle harnessed her communications experience and her passion for food and technology, and launched Food+Tech Connect, her media company. The objective? Joining food and technology innovators with the information and people they need to transform their industry. Now Food+Tech Connect, with Danielle at its helm as CEO, is building bridges that ignite the food world. Applegate is proud to work together with Danielle to innovate and make the world a better place through food.

It’s an exhilarating, fast-changing time in food. From software that helps farmers improve margins, to mobile apps that allow consumers to communicate directly with grocers, emerging technologies are transforming how food is produced, distributed, sold and consumed. “Technology,” Danielle says, “is a powerful tool for leveling the playing field and creating opportunities for small businesses.” With access to the right insight and tools, so much is possible.

“I love connecting people that don’t usually come together. I love when people tell me that they think differently about what they do, that their eyes have been opened to something new,” Danielle says. Food+Tech Connect makes this ambitious goal a reality in several ways. Through interviews, research, and analysis, they define challenges and explore the ways data, cross-disciplinary design and communication can lead to exciting, powerful solutions.

They also organize events—really cool events. At HACK//MEAT, Food+Tech Connect, in partnership with the GRACE Communications Foundation and Applegate, brought together leading thinkers and doers from the worlds of food, agriculture, health and technology in Silicon Valley to reimagine the future of meat. Attendees left with new partners and allies, new solutions, and a powerful arsenal of ideas and inspiration.

Danielle believes that “Together, we can build a better future for food in this country.” With Food+Tech Connect, she is helping accomplish that sustainable, bright future.

Do you know a Changemaker who has made a positive difference in the local food community? Submit a nomination for his or her chance to win a $1,000 grant for the non-profit of his or her choosing at today!

Hannah Howard

Hannah Howard

Hannah Howard is a food writer who spent her formative years eating, drinking, serving, bartending, hostessing, cooking and managing restaurants. She now writes about delicious things for a living.

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