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5 Tips for Planning a Stress-free Holiday Season

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The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but they can also be the busiest. If you aren’t careful, you can find yourself overwhelmed and stressed out before the festivities have even begun. Set yourself up for success with these 5 tips to help you get organized, plan ahead, and remember that the holidays are all about the people you spend them with.

  1. Stock-Up in Advance - If you know you'll be having lots of holiday guests, start stocking up on pantry essentials now. Pick up organic baking supplies, snacks, and wine in the next few weeks. You might even score a sale by shopping early!
  2. Make a List – Check it Twice - Shopping from a list can take the stress out of the holidays on so many levels. Make a simple list on your smartphone with the names of everyone you'll be shopping for, and include a budget. When you are shopping, consult the list to ensure that you aren’t overspending, and then mark the person's gift as "done" once you make the purchase.
  3. Make a Few Gifts - We all want to give gifts to everyone we love and appreciate, and avoid breaking the bank. Making gifts is a crafty way to ensure that you have something special for everyone. Spend a weekend making homemade peanut brittle, soaps, or other goodies to share.
  4. Mail Early - Last year, I thought that I had plenty of time and mailed some holiday gifts 10 days before Christmas – huge mistake! The gifts arrived the day after Christmas. If you have friends and family who live out of town, make sure you ship everything out ahead. 
  5. You Don’t Have to do Everything - This tip is key to a happy holiday season. It is OK to say no. No one has time to do it all!. Rather than baking cookies for the school holiday party, offer to pick up party supplies that you can drop off with your child.

In the end, it truly is the thought that counts. Your friends and family will appreciate every and any effort to make the holidays special, so have fun, relax, and enjoy the time with the ones you love!

Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is a green lifestyle writer and founder of Sweet Greens a blog which focuses on simple, fun ways for families to go green together. She is also a green lifestyle writer for Inhabitots, Cascadian Farm and is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. She lives on the treasure coast of Florida with her fantastic husband, amazing eleven year old son, an adorable Pug. When she isn’t writing about all things green, she enjoys paddleboarding, sailing, traveling, photography, family hikes and the beach. You can also find Jennie on Sweet Greens Facebook Fan Page or on Twitter @SweetGreens. 

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