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Our standard is simple: No antibiotics, ever.

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Animals deserve to be handled with care and respect.

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We make food you can feel good about.

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Applegate is on a mission: Changing The Meat We Eat®. But the big question is how? We're committed to looking at the best ways to produce meat smartly and sustainably. That means developing a holistic system that connects the health of humans, animals and planet.

  • Continue the fight against the misuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture to protect human and animal health and prevent soil and water contamination.
  • Stay the course on using only real, clean ingredients.
  • Invest in practices and innovation that work in unison to produce cleaner food, a healthier environment, save our soil and reduce our carbon footprint including:
    • More organic agriculture
    • More and Better Ways to Feed Animals
    • More regenerative agriculture
    • More meat and plant blends
  • More IS More: We're steadily increasing the number of partners who raise organic and humanely raised pork, beef and poultry.
  • Making Organic Stronger: Applegate supports organic fraud-prevention programs and efforts to strengthen organic standards, especially around animal welfare.
  • Going Whole Hog (and chicken and turkey): We're working with our partners to use every part of the animal, which returns higher value to organic farmers who don't want to just sell parts of a hog for bacon and ham.
  • Taking Risks: Applegate is building a strong organic supply chain and providing the secure market for products that farmers and processors need so that they can confidently make the switch from conventional to organic.
  • Organic Is Always Non-GMO: As Applegate helps to increase an organic supply chain, fewer GMOs will be part of the system.
  • Connecting the Dots: We're are working with our farmer network to demonstrate the value of non-GMO feed and connecting them to resources that will ease the transition.
  • Beyond Corn and Soy: Why are corn and soybeans (two of the biggest GMO crops) the only menu items for pigs, chickens and turkeys? It doesn't have to be that way, and we're committing to changing that by helping farmers identify feed crops that reduce the reliance on monocropping.
  • Re-Imagining Favorite Foods: Applegate is known for re-inventing American classics like the beloved hot dog. We're going to keep doing that, with a plan to introduce certified, regeneratively-sourced favorites by the end of 2021.
  • Sowing Seeds for the Future: We are investing in the future of regenerative by working with leaders in the field to help consumers understand the effects of holistic systems on animal welfare, food quality and the environment.
  • Reaping Benefits Today: Applegate is collaborating with farmers to capture and promote the diverse regenerative practices already being employed on farms in our network. These include buffer strips, pollinator and wildlife refuge plots, species diversification and cover cropping.
  • Measuring Impact: We are dedicating resources to better understand and calculate the positive impact animals can have (like carbon sequestration and building soil biodiversity). We want to go beyond grass-fed beef to encourage the adoption of best regenerative practices across other species.
  • Better Together: We love meat AND vegetables and by bringing them together in clean, convenient and crave-able meals like our Well Carved™ line, Applegate is creating solutions so that people can "meat responsibly."
  • Keeping It Real: Combining real food - organic meat and vegetables – means less impact and more nutrition. The Well CarvedTM Organic Beef Burger reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50%* while providing up to 1/3 cup of vegetables per serving.

*Analysis derived from a literature review of 53 Life Cycle Assessment studies performed by HowGood in 2020.